由于二手车价格低廉,因此,具有相当的吸引力。但由于旧车交易市场管理不规范,以及买卖双方法律和经济知识参差不齐,使购买二手轿车存在相当的风险。笔者将从二手车的合法性、经济性和技术性三个方面来简要叙述,供想购买二手车的朋友们参考。 一、合法性。(一)车辆来源是
Due to the low price of used cars, therefore, has considerable appeal. However, due to the non-standard management of used car market, as well as the uneven legal and economic knowledge of buyers and sellers, there is a considerable risk of buying used cars. The author will be from the legitimacy of second-hand car, economy and technical aspects of a brief description for those who want to buy second-hand car friends reference. First, the legitimacy. (A) the source of the vehicle is