The Development of Mobile Internet Technology

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  (湖南人文科技學院,湖南 娄底 417000)
  【Abstract】: Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT industry in China, Mobile Internet Technology has also been greatly improved. It has been widely used at the present and its development is full of good prospects. Based on this background, this paper makes deep analysis on development status and trend of MIT. It can not only strengthen the development of MIT, but also improve the study level of MIT.
  【Key words】:Mobile internet technology, Current development, Future potential
  Mobile Internet Technology has gradually developed into one of the most important technology in communications field. It has the advantages of convenience and quickness, so it will be one of the most important goals in computer network technology development in China.
  Introduction to Mobile Internet Technology
  MIT is an emerging business to obtain business and services through the mobile terminal and mobile wireless, including three levels of the terminal, software and application. Terminals include smart phones, tablet PCs, e-books, MID and so on. Software includes operating systems, middleware, databases and so on. Application includes leisure and entertainment, tool media, business finance and other different applications and services. With the development of technology and industry, LTE (long-term evolution, 4G communication technology standard) and NFC (near field communication, mobile payment support technology) and other key technologies of network transmission layer will also be included in the scope of MIT in the future.
  Basic Characteristics of Mobile Internet Technology
  First of all, MIT focus on user experience. In the mobile Internet era, the sooner you understand the needs of consumers the more easily you will success. In contact with the consumer for the first time, we should do this well for follow-up research and traceability. Second, we should find the core competitiveness of the business in a timely manner. Finding the key of success is the first step to defeat other competitors. Then we should find and use all the resources, such as geographical advantages, human resources, financial resources and so on, so that we have the core competitiveness. Third, we have to grasp the new model of mobile marketing. In the context of mobile Internet, the brand culture is easy to form. The biggest difference between the Internet marketing model and the traditional marketing model is that the former can attract more customers through word of mouth. This marketing model allows any customer to speak for the enterprise and the cold advertising marketing will eventually decline in this era.   Current Development of Mobile Internet Technology
  According to the current development of Mobile Internet Technology, it has something to be carried forward, but also something that must be improved. With the rapid development of broadband wireless access technology and mobile terminal technology, people are eager to be able to easily access information and services from the Internet anytime, anywhere and even in the mobile process, then MIT has developed and developed rapidly. However, MIT faces a series of challenges in mobile terminals, access network, application services, security and privacy protection. The research of MIT basic theory and key technology has an important practical significance for the progress of national information industry. "Mobile Internet: Terminal, Network and Service", which is published in Computer Journal, describes and analyzes the research progress of MIT from four aspects: mobile terminal, access network, application service and security and privacy protection.
  Up to April 2014, the total number of MIT users reached 848 million in China; mobile phone Internet users were up to 500 million, accounting for more than 80% of the total number of Internet users. Mobile phones maintain the largest Internet terminal status. MIT development enters into the universal era in China.
  Future Potential of Mobile Internet Technology
  In recent years, mobile communications and the Internet have become the two major business in the world which has the fastest growing speed, the largest market potential and the most attractive prospects. Their growth rate is not predicted by any scientist. So far, the global mobile users have more than 1.5 billion and Internet users have more than 700 million. The total number of mobile communication users is more than 360 million in China, the total number of Internet users is more than 100 million. The rapid growth reflects the progress of the times and technology and the demand of mankind's mobility and information. More and more people want to access the Internet at a very fast pace in the process of moving, getting much-needed information to complete the things they want to do. So, the trend of combining the movement with the Internet is a historical necessity. MIT is gradually penetrating into the various areas of people living and working, and the rapid development of mobile Internet applications is profoundly changing social life of the information age.
  In addition, MIT and precise positioning technology will be combined in the development process. According to the relevant survey, we can find that MIT will be more accurate and efficient in tracking and positioning. Effective combination and development of MIT and precise positioning technology can not only enhance the accuracy of Internet technology but also improve the technical level of the Internet. In particular, it can create a good situation of common development. At the same time, MIT and intelligent technology will be combined in the development process. With the continuous development of science and technology, the previous means of information transmission in mobile Internet has been unable to meet customer needs. It can not provide a full range of good network services as before. In such a situation, relevant workers effectively combine MIT with intelligent technology. On one hand they meet the needs of customers, on the other hand they continue to expand the structure of the Internet to improve the security of data.
  For mobile terminal customers, when we experience the MIT in a practical sense, we can understand the advantages of MIT in a comprehensive way. At present, intelligent technology, precise positioning technology and networking technology is the core technology in MIT. The progress of these technologies shows MIT development is very optimistic in the future.
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