1998年出现的贾亦凡先生等人的“客观报道”说①已经于逻辑学不合 ,于辩证法亦讲不通 ;1999年又出来了个陈氏公式 :“新闻的客观性———真实与客观形式的统一”② ,近日又见到陈力丹《再谈新闻真实与客观形式的统一———答程天敏同志》(以下简称《再谈》) ,深感这
The “objective report” of Mr. Jia Yifan et al. Appearing in 1998 said ① that they were already incompatible with logic and did not make sense in dialectics. In 1999, they came out with Chen’s formula: “Objectivity of News --- Real and Objective Forms Reunification, ”and recently saw Chen Li-dan“ Let’s talk about the unification of the true and the objective forms of news --- Comrade Tienmin (hereinafter referred to as ”talk again")