
来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fakeshushu
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要深入推进国有企业反腐倡廉工作,建立健全国有企业惩治和预防腐败体系,就必须善于把国有企业反腐倡廉工作与企业管理工作相融合。为此,笔者认为要做到以下几点:把反腐倡廉宣传教育融到企业文化建设中。反腐倡廉宣传教育具有宽泛领域和多样形式,推进宣传教育要善于寻找有效载体 To deepen the anti-corruption work and state-owned enterprises to establish and improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption in state-owned enterprises, we must be good at integrating the anti-corruption work and enterprise management of state-owned enterprises. To this end, I believe that we should do the following: the anti-corruption advocacy education into corporate culture. Propaganda and education on combating corruption and promoting honesty advocate broad-based and diverse forms, and promoting education and publicity should be good at finding effective vehicles