A Short History of Transportation

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  Changes in transportation have come from many different countries. These are some important dates:
  1804   The steam locomotive (機车) was invented in England.
  1863   Londons first subway opened.
  1881   Electric streetcars (有轨电车) appeared in Berlin.
  1885   The car was invented.
  1908   Henry Fords famous car, the “Model T”, took to the road in the United States.
  1919   Daily airplane flights began on three routes in Europe.
  1964   Japanese high-speed passenger trains began operation (运行) between Tokyo and Osaka.
  The United States has more railroad tracks(铁路轨道) than any other country in the world, but most people do not travel by train. Ninety percent of American homes have at least one car, and eighty-eight percent of US workers drive to the office.
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