Flucloxacillin penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has a strong sterilization activity, since 1976 after the market has been widely used. Recently, the Swedish Drug Hazard Committee (SADRAC) reported the toxic side effects of the drug, of which about 31% were liver damage, mainly bile stasis with jaundice, elevated bilirubin (up to 429μm / L), stop Within a few months after the resumption of medicine, but some patients still up to four years after the withdrawal of more than 100μm / L. Some patients with “asymptomatic” jaundice, and some right abdominal pain, fever, rash. One patient died of delayed bleeding. Check found damage to the liver tubules, extrahepatic occlusion, portal inflammation. The commission’s report states that, given the more severe liver damage caused by fluconicillin, attention should be paid to indications for use, preferably only for penicillin-resistant grafts