麦克唐纳汉堡包仅仅是小生意而已:一个夹牛肉馅圆面包25美分,炸土豆条10美分,冰淇淋20美分,以及几片酸黄瓜、一碟奶酪、一碟蕃茄酱、一瓶桔子汁。 这,的确是小吃之中的小吃。然而,就是这种小吃,却是全球最大的食品业。麦克唐纳公司已经成为一个王国,它的触角遍及五大洲。它在全球有1万余个分店,有职工20余万人,并以每年递增500个分店的速度增长着,它在1983年的营业额是86.87亿美元,纯利润为3.43亿
McDonald’s hamburger is just a small business: a clip of beef buns round bread 25 cents, potato chips 10 cents, ice cream 20 cents, and a few slices of sour cucumber, a plate of cheese, a plate of tomato sauce, a bottle of oranges juice. This is indeed a snack among snacks. However, it is this snack, but it is the world’s largest food industry. McDonald’s has become a kingdom, its tentacles all over the five continents. With more than 10,000 branches and more than 200,000 employees worldwide and an annual increase of 500 branches, its turnover in 1983 was 8.687 billion U.S. dollars and its net profit was 343 million