说不准我们单位是那一级编制,所以只配备工作用车。可牟主任进出都要车。 比如机关医院离单位不过百米之遥,他去拿治疗糖尿病的药要派车;送妻子走亲戚也要派车。人们背地里送了他一个“小车依赖症”的雅号。牟主任为了用车方便,把司机小穆的妻和子破例给予关照,像通讯员、打字员这样的工作岗位就顺理成章地包给了司机的一家人。这样的互利互惠关系,司机小穆与主任老牟各得其所,他们之间也就配合默契了。
Can not say that our unit is the level of preparation, so only equipped with a car. Director Mu can enter and exit cars. Such as the hospital from the unit, but only a hundred meters away, he went to get the medicine to treat diabetes to send a car; send his wife to go relatives have to send a car. People sent him back a “car dependent ” nickname. In order to facilitate the car, Director Mou paid attention to the wife and son of the driver, and jobs such as correspondents and typewriters were a logical assignment to the driver’s family. Such mutual benefit and reciprocity, the driver Xiao Mu and director Laomo have their place, they also cooperate with the understanding.