我是一个政法工作者,以往处理案件,往往单凭经验办事。通过参加中国逻辑与语言函授大学的学习自觉运用逻辑知识分析案例,深感学与不学大不一样。例如,在一场关于是“杀人未遂还是杀人中止”的争论中,我便使用了有关的逻辑知识,取得了较好的效果。案例如下: 甲借了乙的钱很久不还,乙多次催要,甲竟赖帐说没有借过乙的钱。乙顿起杀人复仇之心。某日得知甲在家中,乙便借了猎枪闯入甲家,准备打死甲。甲的老母有
I am a political and legal worker. In the past, handling cases was often based on experience. By participating in China’s logic and language correspondence university consciously use logical knowledge to analyze cases, deep learning and not learning a big difference. For example, in a debate about “attempted killings or killings,” I used the relevant logical knowledge and achieved good results. The case is as follows: A borrowed B money for a long time not to return, B repeatedly urging, A budget account did not borrow B money. B Dayton homicide revenge. One day I learned that at home, B borrowed a shotgun to break into her home and ready to kill her. A mother has