1.生产力飞速发展,经济效益持续增长我厂建于1969年1月,全部使用了国产设备。原设计能力为年产钢坯61.8×10t。经过几年的改造,至1978年实现开坯91.08×10~4t,为设计能力的1.52倍。改革前九年,以平均每年递增13×10~4t 的速度增长,第十年由于二炼钢厂连铸机投产,钢锭减少,初轧机产量开始下降,到1987年产量已达211.07×10~4t 水平,为原设计能力的3.41倍,是改革前1978年最高产量的2.24倍。改革后的1989年平均小时产量达到271.69t。
1. The rapid development of productive forces, continued economic growth I plant built in January 1969, all the use of domestic equipment. The original design capacity of 61.8 × 10t billet per year. After several years of transformation, to achieve 91.8 × 10 ~ 4t billets in 1978, 1.52 times the design capacity. The first nine years of reform, with an average annual increase of 13 × 10 ~ 4t rate of growth, the tenth year as the second steel mill continuous casting machine put into operation, reduce the ingot, the beginning of the rolling mill production began to decline in 1987 output has reached 211.07 × 10 ~ 4t level, 3.41 times the original design capacity, 2.24 times the highest output in 1978 before the reform. After the reform in 1989 the average hourly output reached 271.69t.