样云县沙龙区白石岩乡西冲村三社社员李树荣,上坟烧钱纸引起山林火灾,烧毀集体山林15亩多,受到经济处罚。今年4月8日,李树荣到离村700多米的对门山上上祖坟。在烧钱纸时, 由于不小心引起了一场山火。火灾发生后,在乡、社群众和本人的扑救下,这场山火得到了制止。经过清理,查明这场山火烧伤松树400多棵,其中烧死幼树200多棵。事发后,本人态度端正,深感错误严重,愿意在干部群众中进行检查。根据这场山火造成的损失程度和其本人的态度,区、乡、社决定给李树荣以经济处罚:对烧
Li Shurong, a member of the community agency of Xishuang Village, Shiraishi Rock Township, Shalom District, Sham Shui Po, caused a forest fire and burned up more than 15 mu of collective forests. He was financially punished. April 8 this year, Li Shurong to the village more than 700 meters on the mountain graves. In the burning paper, due to accidentally caused a mountain fire. After the fire broke out, the fire was stopped by the township, the community and themselves. After clean-up, identify more than 400 pine trees burning fire, which burned more than 200 young trees. After the incident, I am correct attitude, deeply wrong, serious, willing to check among cadres and the masses. According to the loss caused by this mountain fire and its own attitude, district, township, and community decided to Li Shurong economic penalties: on the burning