从1997~1999年在晚稻育秧上试验证明 ,施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质 ,表现为返青快 ,有效穗多产量增。但在连晚塑盘育秧上应用 ,遇到高温或大雨 ,有药害死苗现象发生。现把晚稻不同育秧方法壮秧剂施用效果、施用技术和注意点介绍如下 :一、施用效果1 施用壮秧剂能明
From 1997 to 1999 in late rice seedling experiments showed that the application of strong seedling agent can significantly improve the quality of seedlings, manifested as fast green, effective spike yield increase. However, even in late plastic tray Yang seedlings on the application of high temperature or heavy rain, there is the phenomenon of killing dead seedlings. Now the late rice different methods of raising seedlings seedling agent effect, application techniques and points of attention are described below: First, the effect of the application of 1 strong seedling agent can be used