○吃泡菜、烩饭,洗凉水澡,“又让我赶时髦了。” 到了晚年,小平同志的生活很有规律。通常,清晨6点半准时起床,然后在庭院内散步半小时,8时许进早餐。早餐多是喝淡豆浆,吃油饼或馒头。9时在书房(工作办公室)听秘书读国内外报刊新闻摘要。当听到一些有兴趣的新闻时,小平同志常常让秘书再读一遍,或将原文送给他看。到了10时许,再批阅中共中央办公厅送来的简报和文件。
○ Eat kimchi, risotto, take a cold bath and “make me hipster again.” In his later years, Comrade Xiaoping’s life was very regular. Usually, at half past six in the morning, get up on time, and then walk in the courtyard for half an hour, breakfast at 8 am. More breakfast is to drink light milk, eat cakes or bread. At 9 o’clock in the study (work office) to listen to the Secretary read the press at home and abroad News Digest. When hearing some interesting news, Comrade Xiaoping often let the secretary read it again or give him the original text. At about 10 o’clock, we then read the briefings and documents sent by the CPC Central Committee General Office.