利维坦按从小就恐高,不论是真实场景、影视剧还是梦中,手心出汗、心跳加速不说,那种恐惧感简直难以言表。我比较倾向于文中的这种解释:与其让自己处在高空的恐惧当中,还不如赌一把干脆跳下去……也可以说,和死亡相比,用纵身一跃的决定来对抗恐惧明显压倒了对死亡的恐惧。你有过站在高处突然想往下跳的冲动吗?朱迪斯·丹科夫(Judith Dancoff)记得,那天艳阳高照,她站在欺瞒桥(Deception Pass Bridge)上,一条连接西雅图北面两座岛屿的窄窄的两车道路上,突然有了这种冲动。如果她听
Leviathan childhood fear of high, whether it is the real scene, drama or dream, palms sweat, rapid heartbeat do not say, that kind of fear simply unspeakable. I prefer the explanation in the text: it is better to jump off than to keep himself in the air ... It can also be said that the fear of appalling overthrow with jumped-in decision Fear of death. Did you ever feel the urge to jump down from a height? Judith Dancoff remembered the day being sunny and standing on the Deception Pass Bridge, a link to the north of Seattle Suddenly this impulse was found on the narrow two-lane road between the two islands. If she listens