阿月浑子(Pistacia vera L)是最珍贵、最抗旱的核果树种之一.果实味道鲜美,极富营养价值,是很好的点心食品.同时,由于它能抗热、抗旱,因而在干旱地区的荒山造林以及居民区绿化方面,都有很重要的作用.在苏联中亚细亚,特别是塔什干、乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼共和国,均有大面积的天然林和人工林.它使干旱无林的和半荒漠的低山地区,变成了有用的土地,每年为生产干果和单宁提供了大量的原料.根据现有了解,南疆喀什专区伯锡克勒门第一农业社有阿月浑子的栽培.为使这种珍贵果树在新疆地区迅速扩大种植,笔者根据调查所得,结合苏联有关文献,就阿月浑子的植物学特征、生物学特性和栽培技术作如下的介绍,以供有关方面参考.
Pistacia vera L. is one of the most precious and most droughty drupe species. The fruit is delicious and nutritious, and it is a good dim sum food. At the same time, due to its resistance to heat and drought, The afforestation in the area, the afforestation in residential areas and the greening of residential areas.A large area of natural forests and plantations in Central Asia, especially the Tashkent, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, Semi-desert low mountain areas, turned into useful land, each year for the production of dried fruit and tannin to provide a large amount of raw materials.According to current understanding, Kashi area South Kasets first Bakerykeeper door first agricultural society pistachio For the rapid expansion of this precious fruit tree planting in Xinjiang region, the author based on the investigation, combined with the relevant Soviet literature on the botanical characteristics of pistacium, biological characteristics and cultivation techniques are as follows for the relevant For reference.