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秦汉时期,一套适应集权专制国家统治的施政手段逐渐完善,公文在帝国行政管理上发挥了巨大作用;帝国庞杂的行政事务又促进了公文制度的发展。二者相辅相成,使公文制度日臻成熟,这不仅对秦汉国家行政管理产生了深刻影响,而且也奠定了整个古代中国公文制度的基础。 During the Qin and Han dynasties, a set of administrative measures to adapt to the autocratic monarchical state gradually improved and the official documents played an important role in the administration of the imperial administration. The complicated administrative affairs in the imperial government also promoted the development of the official document system. The two complement each other and make the official document system become more and more mature. This not only has a profound impact on the state administration of the Qin and Han Dynasties, but also lays the foundation for the entire ancient Chinese official document system.