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对现代文学期刊的关注是近年来学术界研究的热点。“期刊研究热”的兴盛既与西方学界的影响有关,也与重视史料搜集整理的学科传统再次彰显有关,同时也是研究者应对学科“边缘化”、追求突破创新的自觉选择。近年来现代文学期刊研究在史料钩沉辑佚方面,主要将目光投向以往关注较少的沦陷区等地的文学期刊,并注重期刊史料的整理汇编,为进一步深入研究奠定了较为翔实的史料基础。从思想文化角度进行的期刊研究有助于多维度地理解文学生长土壤的复杂性、文学自身发展的曲折性和复杂状态。传播学视角的引入,为期刊研究提供了新的方法和思路,关注现代文学期刊的传媒属性、传播过程和传播效果以及传播主体的编辑理念和传播策略,探讨报刊传媒与文学发展的关系,使得研究领域大大拓展。期刊研究为推动学科发展注入了新的活力,有助于打破文学史研究的僵化局面,但也存在忽视文本研究和审美研究、学科身份模糊等弊病。如何坚持文学研究的主体地位,在提倡学科开放的同时确立新的学科观念和学科规范,是当前现代文学期刊研究迫切需要解决的问题。 The concern about modern literary journals is a hot spot in academic research in recent years. The prosperity of periodical research is not only related to the influence of western academia, but also to the disciplinary tradition which focuses on the collection and collection of historical materials. It is also the conscious choice of researchers to deal with the issue of “marginalization” and the pursuit of breakthrough innovation. In recent years, the study of modern literary journals has focused on literary periodicals that have less attention in the past, such as occupied areas, and paid attention to compiling and compiling periodical materials, laying a solid foundation for further research. The study of periodicals from the perspective of ideology and culture helps to understand the complexities of the soil for the growth of literature and the tortuous and complex state of the literature itself. The introduction of communication perspective provides a new method and thinking for periodical research, paying attention to the media attributes, the process of communication and the effect of dissemination and the editorial philosophy and communication strategy of the modern literature periodicals, and discusses the relationship between the media and the development of literature, Research area greatly expanded. Periodical research has injected new vitality into the development of disciplines and helped to break the rigid situation in the study of literary history. However, there are also defects such as the neglect of textual research and aesthetic studies, and the vague status of academic disciplines. How to uphold the dominant position of literature research and establish new disciplinary concepts and disciplinary norms while promoting open disciplines is an urgent problem to be solved in the study of modern periodical literature.
This work investigates the inhibitive properties of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) on the corrosion of copper (Cu) in nitric acid using gasometric methods. The i
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中共十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央全方位推进中国特色大国外交,中国提升了与许多国家和地区的伙伴关系,“全球伙伴关系”网络日益成型。通过构建覆盖全球的伙伴关系网络,中国的“朋友圈”越来越大,为国内发展营造了有利外部环境和战略支撑。  创新的外交理念  2014年11月底,习近平在中央外事工作会议上提出:要在坚持不结盟原则的前提下广交朋友,形成遍布全球的伙伴关系网络。此后,习近平在公开讲话中多