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OLAP委员会在11月中发布了基准测试工具,以便于更精确的确定OLAP Server的性能。APB1(Analytical Processing Benchmark-1)2.0版,是在OLAP服务器上运行的一系列C++程序,新的基准程序同时具有了可扩展性强及数据处理能力测试可靠的优点,例如其连续检索流能力从1.0版的100提高到了1000,这相当于10万个用户同时进行数据库查询,数据吞吐量达到了1GB到100GB。在11月13日该基准测试程序已经得到了12个成员的响应,包括Oracle、IBM、NCR、Business Obiects、Platinum Technology、Sun等。OLAP委员会说他们希望能测试目前数据量最大的产品,例如大型数据集的最佳应用ROLAP。他们还希望微软也能加盟,今年微软已经随同SQL 7.0数据库发布了其OLAP服务器, The OLAP committee released a benchmark in mid-November to more accurately determine the performance of OLAP Server. Version 2.0 of APB1 (Analytical Processing Benchmark-1) is a series of C ++ programs running on OLAP servers. The new benchmark has the advantages of scalability and reliable data processing capabilities such as continuous retrieval of stream capabilities from The 1.0 version of the 100 increased to 1000, which is equivalent to 100,000 users at the same time database queries, data throughput reached 1GB to 100GB. The benchmark has received responses from 12 members on November 13, including Oracle, IBM, NCR, Business Obiects, Platinum Technology, Sun. The OLAP committee said they want to test products that currently have the most data, such as ROLAP, the best application for large data sets. They also hope that Microsoft will be able to join this year, Microsoft has released its OLAP server along with the SQL 7.0 database,