Development of renewable energy in China:significance & strategic objectives

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydy611
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Based on CAE’s research report, this paper illustrates the background and purposes of the development strategy research of renewable energy in China, emphasizes the significance of developing renewable energy in China, gives the strategic positions and development objectives of renewable energy in China in the first half of 21st century and contributes to green house gas emissions reduction and environmental protection in China. Based on CAE's research report, this paper illustrates the background and purposes of the development strategy research of renewable energy in China, emphasizes the significance of developing renewable energy in China, gives the strategic positions and development objectives of renewable energy in China in the first half of 21st century and contributes to green house gas emissions reduction and environmental protection in China.
本刊讯在2月13日至19日春节“黄金周”期间,吉林省民航机场集团公司所属长春、延吉、长白山机场共起降航班964架次,运送旅客105739人次,同比分别增 During the Spring Festi
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