(2 0 0 0年 9月 1 8日 )在自治区党委、人民政府的正确领导和大力支持下 ,自 1996年 1月自治区第三次地方志工作会议以来 ,我区的地方志事业取得了长足的发展和进步 ,全疆各地涌现出了一大批政治强、团结好、作风正、业务精 ,修志工作成果显著的先进集体和先进个人。为此 ,自治
(September 18, 2000) With the correct leadership and strong support of the party committees and the people’s governments in the autonomous region, since the third local chronicles conference in January 1996, the local history of local chronicles in our region has made great strides And progress, a large number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals with strong political positions, solidarity, positive style, fine work and remarkable achievements in work have emerged in various parts of Xinjiang. To this end, autonomy