金秋十月,2013上海国际名牌鞋业皮具展(theMICAMshanghai)秋季展在上海展览中心拉开第二次帷幕时,呈现在大家眼前的是来自13个国家的260家参展商和超过350名的专业买家及更多商业伙伴的聚合与交流,展会面积达到了18000平方米。上海国际名牌鞋业皮具展由意大利国家鞋履制造商协会、意大利米兰展览公司和汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司共同组织举办。意大利驻上海总领事Vincenzo De Luca先生说道:“通过theMICAMshanghai平台,我们向中国及海外的
Autumn October, 2013 TheMICAMshanghai Autumn Show Opened its second curtain at the Shanghai Exhibition Center with 260 exhibitors and over 350 professionals from 13 countries Buyers and more business partners polymerization and exchange, the exhibition area reached 18,000 square meters. Shanghai International Famous Footwear Fair by the Italian National Association of footwear manufacturers, exhibition companies in Milan, Italy and Hannover Milan Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. jointly organized. Vincenzo De Luca, Consul General of Italy in Shanghai, said: ”Through the MICICshanghai platform, we provide our services to China and overseas