搏击创新树形象 傲立潮头铸辉煌——古交市白家沟煤矿、焦化厂改革发展纪略

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古交作为全国最大的主焦煤基地,伴随着改革开放的春风孕育了一批又一批国有、民营、乡镇煤炭企业。三年多来,面对煤炭市场极不景气的形势,煤炭企业有的倒闭,有的负债经营。而古交市焦化厂、白家沟煤矿却经受住了市场的严峻考验,从一个资不抵债、人心涣散的企业和一个建矿资金无着落的企业,拼搏崛起,发展成为当地极有名气的企业。1999年生产冶金焦83758吨,完成年计划任务的158%;生产焦油3753.6吨,完成年计划任务的188%;生产原煤156026吨,完成年计划任务的104%;洗精煤94991吨,完成年计划任务的106%;工业总产值实现了3662万元,完成年计划任务的160%;销售收入实现2663万元,完成年计划任务的115%;利税实现503.2万元,上交税金400余万元,成为古交市市属企业第一纳税大户,为古交的经济发展做出了积极贡献。1996年7月,市委、市政府对焦化厂领导班子进行了调整。新班子一上任就大胆改革,首先提出了“一年打基础,二年见初效,三年走出困境”的奋斗目标,以及“树焦化形象,振国企雄风”的战略构想,针对“脏、乱、差、懒、散、慢”状况,对市营焦化厂进行了大刀阔斧的改革,实施了减人增效、工效挂钩改革,先后精减富余人员50余人,干群队伍工作作风和各项工作出现了新的起色,很快扭转了企业连续亏损、职工工资欠发的被动局面。与此同时,在市委、 As the largest coking coal base in the country, Gujiao gave birth to batch after batch of state-owned, private-owned and township coal enterprises along with the spring breeze of reform and opening up. In the past three years and more, in the face of a very sluggish coal market, some coal enterprises have failed and some have run their businesses in debt. The Coking Plant in Gujiao City and the Baijigou Coal Mine have withstood the severe test of the market. From a non-insolvent and frustrated enterprise and an undisputed enterprise with built-up funds, it has risen to become a very famous local enterprise. In 1999, it produced 83,758 tons of metallurgical coke, completed 158% of annual planning tasks; produced 3753.6 tons of tar and completed 188% of the annual planned tasks; produced 154,026 tons of raw coal and completed 104% of annual planned tasks; cleaned 94,991 tons of clean coal and completed the year 106% of the planned tasks; total industrial output value of 36.62 million yuan to complete the annual plan of 160%; sales revenue of 26.63 million yuan to complete the annual plan of 115% of the task; profits and taxes to achieve 503.2 million yuan, tax paid more than 400 million yuan, It became the largest taxpayer in Gujiao City, and made a positive contribution to the economic development of Gujiao City. July 1996, municipal government on the coking plant leadership has been adjusted. As soon as the new team took up the post, bold reforms were first proposed, with the goal of “laying the foundation for one year, meeting the initial effect in two years and going out of the woods in three years” and the strategic concept of “promoting the image of the tree and boosting the glory of the state-owned enterprises” In response to the situation of “dirty, messy, poor, lazy, casual and slow”, the municipal coking plant underwent drastic reforms, implemented the reform of linking reduction of manpower with increase of efficiency and efficiency, and successively refined more than 50 redundant workers and cadres The work style of the team and various work have shown a new improvement, and the passive situation of continuous loss of enterprises and the shortage of staff wages has been quickly reversed. At the same time, in the municipal party committee,