一、刑事侦查的历史沿革之比较 由于特殊的历史原因,英国的文化传统、政治制度、法律制度曾对美国产生过深远的影响。英国在入侵美洲大陆之前,这里还未进入文明社会,没有国家和法律,自然也就谈不上刑事侦查。17世纪前期,大批欧洲移民为了争取经济发展机会,寻找宗教信仰自由而来到美洲大陆。这些欧洲移民中,英格兰人约占90%。因此英国的法律传统必然在美国的移民社会中占据主导地位,从而使美国的刑事侦查制度深深地打上了英国的烙印。这集中体现在美国从英国引入了下列侦查制度:
I. Comparison of the Historical Evolution of Criminal Investigation Historically, British cultural traditions, political systems, and legal systems have had a profound impact on the United States for a special historical reason. Before Britain invaded the continental United States, Britain had not yet entered a civilized society here. Without a country or a law, Britain naturally could not say criminal investigation. In the early 17th century, a large number of European immigrants came to the American continent for freedom of economic development and freedom of religious belief. Of these European immigrants, the English accounted for about 90%. Therefore, the legal tradition in Britain inevitably occupies a dominant position in the immigrant society in the United States, so that the criminal investigation system of the United States has become deeply imprinted on by the United Kingdom. This is embodied in the fact that the United States introduced the following detection system from the United Kingdom: