【摘 要】
The economic growth rate has always been an important measure for the performance of governments at various levels in China.However,the GDP index was removed fr
The economic growth rate has always been an important measure for the performance of governments at various levels in China.However,the GDP index was removed from this year’s development program of Shanghai,making the city the first in the country to do so.In his government work report delivered at the annual full session of the local legislature on January 25,Mayor Yang Xiong did not mention Shanghai’s specific expectations for GDP growth in 2015,replacing it with objectives
The economic growth rate has always been an important measure for the performance of governments at various levels in China. However, the GDP index was removed from this year’s development program of Shanghai, making the city the first in the country to do so so his government work report delivered at the annual full session of the local legislature on January 25, Mayor Yang Xiong did not mention Shanghai’s specific expectations for GDP growth in 2015, replacing it with objectives
根据《中华人民共和国统计法》、《<中华人民共和国统计法>实施细则》、国家统计局《涉外社会调查活动管理暂行办法》的有关规定,开展本市涉外社会调查项目审批工作。 一、审批
Eating preserved pork and sausages represents a long-held tradition in southwest China’s Chongqing and neighboring Sichuan Province, with many households making smoked bacon in advance of the Chinese
【摘要】高职院校辅导员是高职生思想政治教育工作的骨干力量,是其健康成长的指导者、引路人和知心朋友。建设高职院校学习型辅导员队伍是时代发展的要求,是高职院校培养全面发展的高素质人才的需要,也是提高辅导员队伍素质的内在呼唤。当前,高职院校思想政治教育工作面临着诸多挑战,从宏观和微观视域出发,建设一支学习型的辅导员队伍,对提高大学生思想政治工作科学化水平具有重要的意义。 【关键词】高职院校;学习型辅导
【摘要】独立学院学生工作要打造一支“政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风正”的辅导员队伍,必须以科学发展观为指导,切实做好辅导员的职业生涯规划,高度重视辅导员队伍建设的重要性,完善选聘机制,严格准入制度,加强辅导员培训,建立规范化、科学化、制度化的绩效考评体系,全面拓展辅导员的职业发展空间,真正做到“待遇留人、制度激励人、事业成就人”,促进独立学院发展。 【关键词】科学发展观;独立学院;辅导员;职业生涯