【摘 要】
The first episode of “Tectonics of Petroliferous Basins in China” by academician Li Desheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was held on November 2, 2002 at the China Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The meeting was sponsored by Mr. Li, a student in Beijing, Professor Zhao Wenzhi, vice president of China Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute, Chen Python Jiao, Liu Youyuan, Zhang Xing and He Dengfa. Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
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依据中国地质调查局基础部关于区域性地球化学样品测试质量专家检查和验收办法有关规定 ,区域性地球化学样品测试质量专家检查组 ,对 2 0 0 2年承担区域化探和多目标区域地球
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