琉璃河 北京第一城——北京西周燕都遗址博物馆

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房山区不愧是北京历史的发源地,游在北京,从“最美北京第一人”的周口店驱车向东南20公里,来到了另一个承载着历史的地方—琉璃河,这里诞生了北京历史上第一座城池,文物部门把北京建城史定位在公元前1045年,到2015年正好是3060岁了。3060岁的历史不可谓不长,中国5000年的文明史,3000年占有了大部分的时间段,因此说北京是中国的七大古 Fangshan District is indeed the birthplace of Beijing’s history. It travels in Beijing. It travels 20 kilometers southeast from the mouth of Zhoukoudian, the most beautiful Beijing city, to another place bearing history - the Liulihe River, where Beijing’s history On the first city, the cultural relics department located the founding of Beijing history in 1045 BC, 2015 is exactly 3060 years old. The 3060-year-old history is unsophisticated. China’s 5000-year history of civilization occupied most of the time in 3000. Therefore, Beijing is China’s seven ancient