塑料公园丹麦的比伦德镇,有个闻名世界的塑料公园。这里供人观赏的花草树木以及动物房屋等,都是由塑料制成的,就连公园里的山景也是用塑料砖石堆砌的。这个公园自1983年5月对外开放以来,每天都吸引了大批国内外游客。 水果公园在阿拉伯联合酋长国第二大酋长国迪拜,建造了一个供少年儿童游乐的水果公园。如果迈进园内,如同进入花果园。在这个公园内,全部儿童玩具
Plastic Park The town of Billund in Denmark has a world famous plastic park. Here for people to watch flowers and trees and animal houses, etc., are made of plastic, and even the park’s mountain view is also piled with plastic masonry. Since its opening in May 1983, this park has attracted a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every day. Fruit Park in Dubai, the second largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates, has built a fruit park for children’s play. If you move into the park, as into the flower orchard. In this park, all children’s toys