Retrieval algorithm of quantitative analysis of passive Fourier transform infrared (FTRD) remote sen

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxffxh2009
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Passive Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) remote sensing measurement of chemical gas cloud is a vital technology. It takes an important part in many fields for the detection of released gases. The principle of concentration measurement is based on the Beer-Lambert law. Unlike the active measurement, for the passive remote sensing, in most cases, the difference between the temperature of the gas cloud and the brightness temperature of the background is usually a few kelvins. The gas cloud emission is almost equal to the background emission, thereby the emission of the gas cloud cannot be ignored. The concentration retrieval algorithm is quite different from the active measurement. In this paper, the concentration retrieval algorithm for the passive FTIR remote measurement of gas cloud is presented in detail, which involves radiative transfer model, radiometric calibration, absorption coefficient calculation, et al. The background spectrum has a broad feature, which is a slowly varying function of frequency. In this paper, the background spectrum is fitted with a polynomial by using the Levenberg-Marquardt method which is a kind of nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm. No background spectra are required. Thus, this method allows mobile, real-time and fast measurements of gas clouds. The principle of concentration measurement is based on the Beer-Lambert law. Unlike the active measurement, for the passive remote sensing, in the most cases, the difference between the temperature of the gas cloud and the brightness temperature of the background is usually a few kelvins. The gas cloud emission is almost equal to the background emission, thereby the emission The concentration retrieval algorithm is quite different from the active measurement. In this paper, the concentration retrieval algorithm for the passive FTIR remote measurement of gas cloud is presented in detail, which involves radiative transfer model, radiometric calibration , absorption coefficient calculation, et al. The background spectrum has a broad feature, which is a slowly varying f unction of frequency. In this paper, the background spectrum is fitted with a polynomial by using the Levenberg-Marquardt method which is a kind of nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm. No background spectra are required. Thus, this method allows mobile, real-time and fast measurements of gas clouds.
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