输卵管绝育后性调整(sexual adjustment),各家研究结果不尽相同。多数学者认为性生活有改善或无变化者占78~95%。本文研究丹麦绝育妇女的性生活情况,并就其当初对绝育作出的决定是否满意进行比较。 1980~1983年丹麦Herlev医院经腹腔镜绝育的妇女755例,用两点穿刺技术(two-puncturtechnique)行腹腔镜检,继以双极电凝输卵管行绝育术。755例中除18例(2例已死,12例迁居,4例
Sexual adjustment after tubal sterilization (sexual adjustment), each study results vary. Most scholars believe that sexual life has improved or no change accounted for 78 to 95%. This article examines the sex life of Danish sterilized women and compares their satisfaction with the original decision on sterilization. Between 1980 and 1983, 755 women underwent laparoscopic sterilization at the Herlev Hospital in Denmark. Laparoscopy was performed using a two-punctu- lation technique followed by bipolar coagulation of the oviduct. There were 18 cases in 755 cases (2 died, 12 cases moved to the hospital, 4 cases)