Hepatic metastases caused by malignant tumors are divided into two types according to their primary sites. One is that the abdominal gastrointestinal cancer is caused by portal vein metastasis; the liver is the first organ affected by venous blood containing cancer cells. In addition, liver metastases caused by systemic blood metastasis often involve lung and other organ metastases. Liver metastasis is a key factor in the prognosis of surgery. Liver metastases are generally not suitable for radiation therapy. Surgical therapy is limited to primary and focal lesions. Therefore, systemic therapy such as chemotherapy is the main strategy, but the efficacy is not satisfactory. Recently, Alfonso et al.’s trial of intravenous injection of radio-active gold colloids for the treatment of liver metastases from microscopic lesions was used as a preventive measure for primary lesion resection. It is believed that after colorectal cancer surgery, liver metastases have not been diagnosed, but from the observation of primary lesions, microscopic liver metastases are clearly suspected and should be used as internal radioactive targets. Some scholars have studied beta-decay radioactive isotopes