
来源 :海洋科学集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dswlbwb1
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Red tides are abnormal ecological phenomena, which bring lots of damage in China every year. Research on detecting red tides is necessary. Water color will change abnormally while red tides bloom out, i.e. the absorption and scattering characteristics of waters will appear different. With these varieties, algorithms can be developed to retrieve water constituents from spectral reflectance. Furthermore, red tides detection methods can be applied with retrieval chlorophyll concentrations. Though absorption characteristics of waters play important parts in bio-optical algorithms development of ocean color remote sensing, no stable useful absorption coefficients of waters can be used in the high frequency red tides areas of the East China Sea.During 2002~2005 we have performed 11 cruises and done a lot of measurements in the research areas. After analyzing multi-years in-situ data, we have drawn the absorption relations of waters as follows:Good correlations have been contained when analyzing the relationships among different absorption bands of phytoplankton pigments. Taking both 440 nm and 675 nm as reference bands together, the simulation results attained much closest to in-situ measurements. The relationships between absorption coefficients and concentrations of chlorophyll-a have also been indicated. With 440nm or 675 nm as the reference bands, good results have shown with correlations 0.915 and 0.938 respectively.After 400 nm is taken as the reference band, mean spectral slope has been specified as 0.0102 nm-1 with regard to suspended sediment absorption and 0.0173 nm-1 about CDOM absorption. Red tides are abnormal ecological phenomena, which bring lots of damage in China every year. Research on detecting red tides is necessary. Water color will change abnormally while red tides bloom out, ie the absorption and scattering characteristics of waters will appear different. varieties, algorithms can be applied to retrieve water constituents from spectral reflectance. Yet absorption characteristics of waters play important parts in bio-optical algorithms development of ocean color remote sensing, no stable useful absorption coefficients of waters can be used in the high frequency red tides areas of the East China Sea. Fluid 2002 ~ 2005 we have performed 11 cruises and done a lot of measurements in the research areas. After analyzing multi-years in-situ data , we have drawn the absorption relations of waters as follows: Good correlations have been contained when anal yzing the relationships among different absorption bands of phytoplankton pigments. Taking both 440 nm and 675 nm as reference bands together, the simulation results attained much closest to in-situ measurements. The relationships between absorption coefficients and concentrations of chlorophyll-a have also been indicated . With 440 nm or 675 nm as the reference bands, good results have shown correlations 0.915 and 0.938 respectively. After 400 nm is taken as the reference band, the mean spectral slope has been specified as 0.0102 nm-1 with regard to suspended sediment absorption and 0.0173 nm-1 about CDOM absorption.
摘要:我国的城市化进程正在逐步加快,随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,人们对生活环境的要求也越来越高,城市环境主要是靠规划来实现的,于是在经济飞速发展的今天,各个城市都加大了城市规划工作的力度,以提高城市整体形象,满足人们对生活环境的高标准要求。本文主要针对现代城市规划设计中生态环境、环境污染以及环境保护三个方面的问题以及解决方法做了简要的论述。  关键词:城市规划设计;问题;方法;  Abstract
摘要:质量是建筑工程的生命,监理作为工程质量监督的一个重要体系,是建筑工程建设的一个重要方面,也是保证工程质量的重要因素。本文介绍了工程建设监理的含义,分析了当前建筑工程质量监理存在的问题,阐述了加强建筑工程质量监理的措施。  关键词:建筑工程;质量;工程监理  Abstract: Quality is the life of the building works, supervision as
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摘要:近十多年来,国内建筑工程中塔式起重机倒塌、群死群伤的事故频发,成为建设工程的重大危险源。通过注册安全工程师继续教育培训,并上网检索国内多个塔式起重机倒塌事故的案例,对事故原因加以分析,归纳事故发生的共性,供监理单位、施工单位在类似工程中对安全隐患进行主动防范,避免事故发生。    关键词:塔式起重机;安装、拆除;监理;审核;检查;整改;报告    中图分类号:U415.1文献标识码:A文章编
摘要:近年来,全国各地在推进农业产业化、推广品牌建设上,涌现出了一批品牌知名度高的农业产业化龙头企业。江苏大地蓝绢纺有限公司就是其中的佼佼者。   短短数年大地蓝从一个名不见径传的小作坊,发展成为知名大型企业集团,利益于“标题”产品铸造企业精神 品牌助推科学发展。  关键词:大地蓝公司;品牌建设助推发展  Abstract: in recent years, the country are tak