加强党委自身建设 发挥党的领导作用

来源 :中国高等教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kekexiaozi
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粉碎“四人帮”以后的十多年来,我校历届党委和学校领导班子注意自身建设,并以此作为加强学校党的建设、发挥党的领导作用的关键。多年的工作实践表明,这是坚持社会主义办学方向、完成党和国家赋予重任的根本保证。(一)坚持党的思想、政治路线,坚持社会主义办学方向十余年来,我校历届党委在加强自身建设的过程中,坚持党的“一切从实际出发”、“实事求是”的思想路线,坚持“一个中心,两个基本点”的党的基本路线,各项工作坚持从建设有中国特色的社会主义出发,从高等学校的实际出发,从我校的实际情况出发。我们认为,这是保证我们坚定不移地贯彻党的基本路线、与党中央在政治上保持一致的思想基础,是指导我们按照社会主义的方向深入进行教育改革的基本原则。 For more than a decade since the smashing of the “gang of four”, the leading committees of our Party committees and schools have paid attention to their own construction and used it as the key to strengthening the party building in the school and giving play to the leading role of the party. Years of work practice have shown that this is the fundamental guarantee for adhering to the socialist direction of running a school and accomplishing the tasks entrusted by the party and the state. (1) In the past ten years or more in adhering to the ideological and political line of the party and adhering to the direction of running schools for socialism, the previous party committees of our school have always adhered to the principle of “seeking truth from facts” and “seeking truth from facts” in the party’s process of strengthening self-construction. , Adhere to the party’s basic line of “one center and two basic points”. All work must proceed from the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, proceed from the actual conditions of colleges and universities and proceed from the actual conditions of our university . In our opinion, this is the ideological foundation for ensuring that we unswervingly implement the party’s basic line and maintain political consistency with the party Central Committee, and is the basic principle that guides us in conducting the education reform in the direction of socialism.
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