随着我国石油化学工业的迅速发展,在许多大中城市,以液化石油气(液化气)作为家用燃料已相当普及。然而临床对液化气燃烧烟气的有关成份及其毒性机理尚认识不足,笔者报道二例急性液化气燃烧烟气中毒致残如下。 [例1]患者女性,24岁。在家中卫生间使用热水器洗澡时昏倒在地(热水器安装在浴室内),约30分钟后被家人发现急诊入院。查体:体温36.8℃,血压14.7/9.3kpa。神志不清、小便失禁、角膜反射存在。双侧瞳孔同圆等大,对光反射存在。心率90次/min,律齐,未闻
With the rapid development of China’s petrochemical industry, liquefied petroleum gas (liquefied petroleum gas) has become quite popular as a domestic fuel in many large and medium-sized cities. However, the clinical aspects of the relevant components of liquefied gas combustion of flue gas and its toxicity mechanism is still lack of understanding, I reported two cases of acute liquefied gas burning fumes disability as follows. [Example 1] Patient Female, 24 years old. In the bathroom at home bathroom fainting when using a bath (water heater installed in the bathroom), about 30 minutes after the family was found emergency admission. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, blood pressure 14.7 / 9.3kpa. Confusion, urinary incontinence, corneal reflexes exist. Bilateral pupil with the same circle, the presence of light reflex. Heart rate 90 beats / min, law Qi, not heard