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应急通信,顾名思义,就是在原有通信系统遭到严重破坏或发生紧急情况时,为保障通信联络,采用已有的机动通 信设备进行的通信,所谓紧急情况,包括抢险救灾、突发事件、重大国事活动、国内及国际通信援助、大型运动会乃至国防战备等等。众所周知,在出现以上紧急情况或原有通信系统遭到严重破坏时,保障通信联络的重要性是不言而喻的,为此,一些有能力的国家一般都建有自己的应急通信系统。我国作为世界上一个重要的大国,经过多年的发展,不仅建立了世界上最大和最完备的通信网络,也建立了一个完备应急通信系统和一支强有力的专业应急通信队伍。据了解,我国的这支应急通信队伍也是世界上除美联社、英国广播公司以外的第三家有能力在海外提供应急通信服务的队伍。近几年来,这支应急通信队伍在庆祝香港回归、98抗洪救灾、支援文莱和上海的APEC会议、悉尼奥运会和2002年世界杯足球赛以及今年陕西抗洪等方面都发挥了重要作用。 但是,由于很少走到前台,人们对应急通信的管理和指挥并不熟悉和了解。长期以来,考虑到应急通信的特点和特殊 Emergency communications, as its name implies, means communications conducted by existing mobile communications equipment in the event of serious damage to the original communications system or in case of an emergency. The so-called emergency situations include emergency rescue and relief, emergencies, major state affairs Activities, domestic and international communications assistance, major games and even national defense and war preparations. As we all know, in the event of an emergency or the original communication system was severely damaged, it is self-evident to protect the importance of communication. For this reason, some competent countries generally have their own emergency communication system. As an important and important country in the world, China has established not only the largest and most complete communication network in the world, but also a complete emergency communication system and a strong contingent of professional emergency communications after years of development. It is understood that this emergency communications team in China is also the third team in the world with the exception of the Associated Press and the BBC who are capable of providing overseas emergency communications services. In recent years, this emergency communications team has played an important role in celebrating the return of Hong Kong, 98 flood control and disaster relief, the APEC meeting in support of Brunei and Shanghai, the Sydney Olympic Games and the 2002 FIFA World Cup and the flood fighting in Shaanxi this year. However, people are not familiar with and understand the management and command of emergency communications because they rarely come to the foreground. For a long time, taking into account the characteristics of emergency communications and special
但是有一点是可以说的,叶老是现实主义与浪漫主义相结合的典范。(《光明日报》1982.2.6,第二版《毓德良师树人宏业——祝贺叶圣陶先生从事教育工作七十周年》) “现实主义”