【摘 要】
The Bloody Chamber is the most famous and critical masterpiece by Angela Cater. According to the writer Marina War-ner,its about desire and its destruction, the
The Bloody Chamber is the most famous and critical masterpiece by Angela Cater. According to the writer Marina War-ner,its about desire and its destruction, the self-immolation of women, how women collude and connive with their condition of enslavement.Feminism in Angela Caters view may seem extremely radical at first glance, especially in such an unorthodox Gothic tale filled with blood, murders and sexuality. However, beneath the surface conceal rational reflections on the irrationalfe-male mythology, which is the result ofa long-term ideological indoctrination in the patriarchal society. Many women try to find their identity in this patriarchy centered social norms and regard mens affirmation as the source of happiness. They have built their self-awareness unconsciously catering to malesneeds.This article is going to demonstrate another patt of womens self-aware-ness establishment process in Angela Cater s conception, via analyzing the functions of a kind of specific symbols in the story—mirrors, which reflect the expected female images through different perspectives.
The sarcasticrebelSammy aspires to shun the rules that bind him. Three girls who wear nothing but bathing suits in A&P prompt him to change his situation. The g
教思政〔2007〕10号 (2007年5月28日) 今年5月4日,胡锦涛总书记致信中国青年群英会,代表党中央向全国广大团员和各族青年致以节日的问候,向新中国成立以来各个时期的青年英模致以崇高的敬意。胡锦涛总书记殷切希望全国广大团员和各族青年牢记党和人民的重托,自觉担负起时代的重任,以英雄楷模为榜样,努力成为理想远大、信念坚定的新一代,品德高尚、意志顽强的新一代,视野开阔、知识丰富的新一代,