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“你永远都不知道明天海潮会送来什么。”读着王君的《教育与幸福生活》,心中纷繁的情感在澎湃,在交错。读罢全书,蓦然回首,惊喜之感化作了上面这句话。这本书给我送来了什么呢?沉淀着思考,深深的回眸:读一部专著,阅三年教育人生,带给我的启示如此铭刻——深刻而痛苦的感悟:(一)教师与名师之间的距离有多远 “You never know what the Tide will come tomorrow. ” Read Wang Jun’s “education and happy life”, the heart of the numerous emotions in the surging, staggered. After reading the book, suddenly look back, the sense of surprise made the above sentence. This book sent me what? Precipitation reflections, a deep review: reading a monograph, read three years of education, bring me the revelation so inscribed - profound and painful insights: (a) teachers How far is the distance from the teacher?
当当:如果有事要留言怎么办?  丁丁:当然是写一张留言条,夹在留言夹上,放在醒目的地方,好让别人看到了。  当当:如果没有留言夹怎么办?  丁丁:那就现学现做一个动物留言夹吧。  You will need(所需材料):  paperboard(卡纸), colour paper(彩色纸), colour pens(彩色笔), a clip(夹子), scissors(剪刀), double-si