牙颌面畸形专科联盟在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间遴选教师团队,针对正颌-正畸联合治疗的学科特点设计理论知识和软件实操相结合的授课形式,借助“国家口腔远程教育平台”开展“云培训”。通过对参与课程的10名授课讲师、325名理论课学员及50名实操课学员进行问卷调查,针对参与人员的地域分布、人员组成、软件实操效果及在线教学存在的问题进行分析与总结。结果显示本次课程覆盖范围大、受众广,学员总体接受度、教学效果满意度高。首次开展的线上软件实操课程进行顺利、师生互动及时,学员对三维手术设计流程均能熟练掌握。但这种云培训模式仍存在一些尚待解决的问题,如网络卡顿、知识产权保护等。新形势下的线上远程医学专科教育在疫情过后,仍可作为一种可持续发展的模式,并可作为国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心远程医学教学的实践参考。“,”As the national key discipline and the initiator of oral and maxillofacial deformity group, the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery persisted in teaching, designed a novel teaching form combining theoretical knowledge and online software practice according to the characteristics of our discipline and carried out “cloud training” via the National Oral Telemedicine Education Platform. Ten lecturers, 325 theoretical students and 50 practical students were investigated by questionnaire in the present study with questions focusing on the geographical distribution and composition of personnel, etc. The results showed that the online course covered a wide range of students and achieved high acceptance and satisfaction rate. The first online software operation course was conducted in an orderly manner, with timely interaction between teachers and students. The students were able to master the design process skillfully. This “cloud training” has achieved good results, but there are still a series of problems that have yet to be resolved, such as network stalls and protection of intellectual property rights. Under the new form, the exploration and analysis of the new mode of online telemedicine specialist education will provide some practical reference for the National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases to carry out online telemedicine teaching in the future.