The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization of a series of samples belonging to TS-2 zeolite and amorphous TS oxide (ATS) showed that there were Ti-O-SiO3 bonds in the molecular sieve framework and amorphous surface, However, the two are distinguishable in the infrared. The former appears as a framework titanium vibration band at 962.5-966.7 cm-1, while the latter appears as a non-framework titanium vibration band at 945-956 cm-1 The latter obviously red shift occurred. The vibrational band of molecular sieve framework (1226,556cm-1) has little effect on the position of Ti-O-SiO3 band. In contrast, there is about 2.0cm-1 redshift with weak framework. Hydroxylation of phenol showed that the hydroxylation of phenol with Ti-O-SiO3 active sites on the molecular sieve framework resulted in catechol and hydroquinone, whereas the non-framework Ti-O-SiO3 active sites on the amorphous surface only produced Catechol