Pick your favorite of the ice cream flavors listed below and find out what it says about your personality.
1. If you like vanilla, you are a colorful, impulsive, risk taker, who set high goals and have high expectations of yourself. You also enjoy close family relationships you are, gregarious, and live a hectic life. Easily suggestible, expressive, idealistic, self-centered.
If your favorite flavor is:
Vanilla—you are most likely to be compatible with someone whose favorite flavor is also vanilla.
2. If you like chocolate, you are lively, creative, dramatic, charming, enthusiastic and injoying life of the party. Chocolate fans enjoy being at the center of attention and can become bored with the usual routine. Seductive, well-dressed, extroverted, easily influenced, intuitive,you enjoys intimate relationships.
Chocolate—compatible with butter pecan or chocolate chip.
3. If you like butter pecan, you are orderly, perfectionist, careful, detail-oriented, conscientious, ethical and fiscally conservative. You are also competitive, aggressive in sports and have the take-charge type of personality.
Butter pecan—compatible with butter pecan, chocolate and chocolate chip.
4. If you like banana, you are easy going, well adjusted, generous, honest and empathetic.
Banana—compatible with all flavors.
5. If you like strawberry, you are shy, yet emotionally robust, skeptical, detail-oriented, opinionated, introverted and self- critical. But you are easily made to feel guilty; cranky, pessimistic, and not confident enough.
Strawberry—compatible with chocolate chip.
6. If you like chocolate chip, you are generous, competitive and accomplished. You are charming in social situations, ambitious and competent. A visionary,and a conqueror as you, enjoys being catered to, but tolerates no defeat.
Chocolate chip—compatible with butter pecan or chocolate.
1. Vanilla香草口味
2. Chocolate 巧克力口味
3. Butter pecan 山核桃黄油口味
4. Banana 香蕉口味
5. Strawberry草莓口味
6. Chocolate chip碎粒巧克力口味
1. 如果你喜欢香草口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个有趣的、易冲动的、爱冒险的人,你有远大的目标,并且对自己有很高的期望。你喜欢亲密的家庭关系。你善于社交,过着热闹的生活。你很容易接受别人的建议,善于表现自我,有点儿理想主义,是一个以自我为中心的人。
3. 如果你喜欢山核桃黄油口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个生活井然有序、追求完美、认真仔细、注重细节、尽职尽责,但道德和金钱观念都比较保守的人。你同样具有竞争意识,敢于尝试富有挑战性的运动,属于能够掌管个人命运的那一类型的个性。
4. 如果你喜欢香蕉口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个容易相处、自我控制力较好、慷慨、诚实、富有同情心的人。
5. 如果你喜欢草莓口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个腼腆、容易冲动、喜欢猜疑、注重细节、固执己见、有些内向并乐于自我批评的人。你很容易就会有犯罪感,有些悲观、厌世、不够自信。
6. 如果你喜欢碎粒巧克力口味的冰激凌,你是一个慷慨、富有竞争意识和多才多艺的人。你对社会形势很有见解,野心勃勃并且很有能力。你是一个梦想家、征服者、喜欢别人迎合自己,非常能干却不能容忍失败。
云帆 摘译自Interesting Quiz
Pick your favorite of the ice cream flavors listed below and find out what it says about your personality.
1. If you like vanilla, you are a colorful, impulsive, risk taker, who set high goals and have high expectations of yourself. You also enjoy close family relationships you are, gregarious, and live a hectic life. Easily suggestible, expressive, idealistic, self-centered.
If your favorite flavor is:
Vanilla—you are most likely to be compatible with someone whose favorite flavor is also vanilla.
2. If you like chocolate, you are lively, creative, dramatic, charming, enthusiastic and injoying life of the party. Chocolate fans enjoy being at the center of attention and can become bored with the usual routine. Seductive, well-dressed, extroverted, easily influenced, intuitive,you enjoys intimate relationships.
Chocolate—compatible with butter pecan or chocolate chip.
3. If you like butter pecan, you are orderly, perfectionist, careful, detail-oriented, conscientious, ethical and fiscally conservative. You are also competitive, aggressive in sports and have the take-charge type of personality.
Butter pecan—compatible with butter pecan, chocolate and chocolate chip.
4. If you like banana, you are easy going, well adjusted, generous, honest and empathetic.
Banana—compatible with all flavors.
5. If you like strawberry, you are shy, yet emotionally robust, skeptical, detail-oriented, opinionated, introverted and self- critical. But you are easily made to feel guilty; cranky, pessimistic, and not confident enough.
Strawberry—compatible with chocolate chip.
6. If you like chocolate chip, you are generous, competitive and accomplished. You are charming in social situations, ambitious and competent. A visionary,and a conqueror as you, enjoys being catered to, but tolerates no defeat.
Chocolate chip—compatible with butter pecan or chocolate.
1. Vanilla香草口味
2. Chocolate 巧克力口味
3. Butter pecan 山核桃黄油口味
4. Banana 香蕉口味
5. Strawberry草莓口味
6. Chocolate chip碎粒巧克力口味
1. 如果你喜欢香草口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个有趣的、易冲动的、爱冒险的人,你有远大的目标,并且对自己有很高的期望。你喜欢亲密的家庭关系。你善于社交,过着热闹的生活。你很容易接受别人的建议,善于表现自我,有点儿理想主义,是一个以自我为中心的人。
3. 如果你喜欢山核桃黄油口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个生活井然有序、追求完美、认真仔细、注重细节、尽职尽责,但道德和金钱观念都比较保守的人。你同样具有竞争意识,敢于尝试富有挑战性的运动,属于能够掌管个人命运的那一类型的个性。
4. 如果你喜欢香蕉口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个容易相处、自我控制力较好、慷慨、诚实、富有同情心的人。
5. 如果你喜欢草莓口味的冰激凌,那么你是一个腼腆、容易冲动、喜欢猜疑、注重细节、固执己见、有些内向并乐于自我批评的人。你很容易就会有犯罪感,有些悲观、厌世、不够自信。
6. 如果你喜欢碎粒巧克力口味的冰激凌,你是一个慷慨、富有竞争意识和多才多艺的人。你对社会形势很有见解,野心勃勃并且很有能力。你是一个梦想家、征服者、喜欢别人迎合自己,非常能干却不能容忍失败。
云帆 摘译自Interesting Quiz