养殖美国青蛙的中专农民 27岁的张少云小时候家里非常穷,两个弟弟因为营养不良而早早夭折,他是喝着碎米糊糊长大的。 1992年,张少云上了中专,鉴于他在中专学习期间的优秀表现,毕业后,又被学校保送上了大学。 1995年,张少云进入湖北经济管理大学学习企业管理。上大学, 是他此生的梦想,他发誓要勤奋读书。可令人悲哀的是,交过学费后他连学校的饭都吃不起了。为了保
Zhang Shaoyun, a 27-year-old farmer specializing in the cultivation of American frogs, was very poor at home. Two brothers died prematurely because of malnutrition. In 1992, Zhang Shaoyun went to the technical secondary school, given his excellent performance during his studies in the secondary school. After graduation, he was admitted to the university by the school. In 1995, Zhang Shaoyun entered Hubei University of Economics and Management to study business management. To college, is his dream of this life, he vowed to study hard. Sadly, he could not afford to eat even the school meal after paying tuition fees. To protect