各位领导、各位代表: 今天,江苏省冶金工业协会正式成立了,这是江苏冶金行业发展史上的一件大事。我代表江苏省冶金资产管理有限公司对协会的成立表示热烈祝贺,对亲临大会指导工作的省经贸委、省民政厅等有关部门的领导表示衷心感谢! 在今天的成立大会上,选举产生了江苏省冶金工业协会第一届理事会及常务理事会,选举产生了会长、副会长、秘书长等领导机构人选,并推选了协会的名誉会长。我对新产生的协会第一届理事会及其常务理事会表示热烈祝贺!
Ladies and gentlemen, representatives: Today, Jiangsu Metallurgical Industry Association was formally established. This is a major event in the history of metallurgical industry in Jiangsu. On behalf of Jiangsu Metallurgical Assets Management Co., Ltd., I hereby extend my warm congratulation on the founding of the association and express my heart-felt thanks to the leaders of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, Provincial Civil Affairs Department and other relevant departments for their guidance. At today’s founding conference, Jiangsu Provincial Metallurgical Industry Association, the first council and the Standing Council, elected president, vice president, secretary-general and other leading bodies candidate, and elected the honorary president of the association. I warmly congratulate the newly-created Association’s first council and its standing council!