目的观察肉苁蓉总苷(general cistanosides,GCs)在HL-60细胞中的抗氧化生物活性。方法GCs从新疆盐生肉苁蓉中提取得到;利用HL-60细胞中的氧化系统,对GCs的抗氧化活性进行测定研究。HL-60细胞中自由基诱发程度由探针物DCFH-DA的氧化产物DCF的浓度来检测。银杏叶提取物EGB761用作阳性对照物。结果GCs以0·25、0·50g·L-1和0·75g·L-1浓度,对自由基的抑制率分别为56%、62%和67%。其抗氧化活性与EGB761类似。结论GCs在HL-60细胞氧化系统中具有很强的抗自由基氧化活性。
Objective To observe the antioxidative activity of general cistanosides (GCs) in HL-60 cells. Methods GCs were extracted from Cistanche salsa, and the antioxidative activity of GCs was measured using oxidative system in HL-60 cells. The extent of free radical induction in HL-60 cells was measured by the concentration of DCF, the oxidation product of the probe DCFH-DA. Ginkgo biloba extract EGB761 was used as a positive control. Results The inhibitory rates of free radicals were 56%, 62% and 67% for GCs with concentrations of 0·25, 0·50 g·L-1 and 0·75 g·L-1, respectively. Its antioxidant activity is similar to that of EGB761. Conclusion GCs have strong anti-free radical oxidation activity in the oxidative system of HL-60 cells.