为提高引产的成功率,我院将蓖麻油煎蛋口服与催产素静脉点滴合用于妊娠晚期引产,报告如下。 对象与方法 1.对象:1998年1月~2000年12月在我科因孕周>41周,妊娠高血压综合症、妊娠合并高血压、糖尿病等原因行计划分娩的初产妇126例,单胎、头位、胎膜完整、无引产禁忌症。分为A组62例和B组64例,2组产妇平均年龄分别为(24.92±0.36)岁与(25.06±0.41)岁;孕周分别为(39.95±0.23)周与(40.27±0.16)周,新生儿体重分别为(3299±56.87)g与(3 296±67.93)g,差异无显著性(P>0.05) 2.方法:A组晚10点口服蓖麻油煎蛋,服药前行Bishop宫颈评分。未临产者次日上午8时阴道检
To improve the success rate of induction of labor, our hospital orally castrated omeprazole and oxytocin intravenous injection for late pregnancy induction of labor, the report is as follows. Subjects and methods 1. Subjects: January 1998 ~ December 2000 in our department because of gestational age> 41 weeks, pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, pregnancy-induced hypertension, diabetes and other reasons scheduled delivery of primipara 126 cases, single Tire, head position, fetal membrane integrity, no induced contraindications. There were 62 cases in group A and 64 cases in group B. The average age of the two groups was (24.92 ± 0.36) years and (25.06 ± 0.41) years respectively. The gestational weeks were (39.95 ± 0.23) weeks and (40.27 ± 0.16) weeks (3299 ± 56.87) g and (3 296 ± 67.93) g respectively, the difference was not significant (P> 0.05) .Methods: Group A received orally castrated omelet orally at 10 o’clock in the morning, score. The next day no vaginal delivery at 8 am