西洋参(Panax quinquefolius L.)系采用种子繁殖。种子具有胚后熟和长期休眠的特性。在自然条件下,从果实成熟到由种子长出幼苗,需经二年左右时间。可见,深入研究西洋参种子的生物学特性,对于低纬度高海拔山区开展引种栽培是十分重要的。通过五年来的观察,基本上掌握了西洋参种胚后熟过程中所需要的条件。
Panax quinquefolius L. is bred with seeds. Seeds have the characteristics of embryo ripening and long-term dormancy. Under natural conditions, from ripe fruit to grow seedlings from the seed, take about two years time. It can be seen that in-depth study of the biological characteristics of American ginseng seeds is very important for the introduction and cultivation of low latitude and high altitude mountainous areas. After five years of observation, basically mastered the American ginseng embryo ripening process required conditions.