
来源 :江西农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbtthappy
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研究了有机和常规生产系统中不同施肥水平对网纹甜瓜果实发育和糖分积累的影响。结果表明:有机和常规生产系统以及施肥水平都未改变甜瓜果实发育和糖分积累规律。果实鲜重和果肉厚度的增长均呈“S”形曲线变化,可溶性固形物(TSS)和糖分积累呈二次型曲线变化。甜瓜果实在进入成熟期前,以葡萄糖和果糖积累为主,进入成熟期,蔗糖积累迅速,总糖含量持续上升。果实TSS增长趋势与总糖相同,两者呈极显著正相关(春季r=0.884**,秋季r=0.958**)。春季有机生产甜瓜采收期的果实重量显著高于常规生产,而秋季两者差异不显著。生产系统和施肥水平对果实TSS和糖分含量都没有影响。由于春季甜瓜果实发育时段的积温高,采收期果实重量和果肉厚度分别比秋季高28%和9.0%。甜瓜果实的生长量受积温的影响较大,有机生产系统和施肥水平不影响果实糖分积累。 The effects of different fertilization levels on fruit development and sugar accumulation in muskmelon were studied in organic and conventional production systems. The results showed that organic and conventional production systems and fertilization levels did not change the rule of melon fruit development and sugar accumulation. The fruit fresh weight and the flesh thickness increased in a “S” shape, and the TSS and the sugar accumulation showed a quadratic curve. Melon fruit before entering the mature stage, mainly glucose and fructose accumulation, into the mature stage, rapid accumulation of sucrose, total sugar content continued to rise. Fruit TSS growth trend with the same total sugar, the two showed a very significant positive correlation (spring r = 0.884 **, autumn r = 0.958 **). The fruit weight of harvested organic melon during spring was significantly higher than that of conventional production, but the difference between autumn and spring was not significant. Production systems and fertilizer levels have no effect on TSS and sugar content in the fruit. Due to the high accumulative temperature during melon fruit development in spring, fruit weight and pulp thickness during harvest were 28% and 9.0% higher than those in autumn. The growth of muskmelon fruits was greatly affected by accumulated temperature. The organic production system and fertilization level did not affect the fruit sugar accumulation.
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