研究和探讨档案文献编纂学体系结构,首先必须确立以下三个原则: 1.新的学科体系结构的建立,要有助于档案文献编纂学研究的深入,强化档案文献编纂学的理论色彩,促进档案文献编纂理论、历史、技术和方法的紧密结合,以改变目前实用经验型的档案文献编纂学体系。2.新的学科体系结构的建立,要有助于各种门类档案编纂工作。3.新的学科体系的建立,要能使该学科的结构精当合理,便于档案文献编纂学的教学和档案干部的培训和自学。
To study and discuss the architecture of archives compilation system, we must first establish the following three principles: 1. The establishment of a new discipline system should help to deepen the research of archives literature compilation, strengthen the theoretical color of archives compilation, and promote Archives literature compilation theory, history, technology and methods of combining closely to change the current practical experience of archives literature compilation system. 2. The establishment of a new disciplinary architecture should facilitate the compilation of various archives. 3. The establishment of a new disciplinary system should enable the structure of the discipline to be properly and reasonably facilitated in the teaching of archival and document compilation and the training and self-study of file cadres.