近日,任金蝶集团总裁及兼任金蝶软件(中国)有限公司CEO仅一年光景的冯国华因“家庭及个人原因”离职。看一看那些离开金蝶的人吧,何经华,2007年出任金蝶CEO,两年挂冠而去。再往前追溯,1999年黄骁俭从sA P跳到金蝶任副总裁,不到两年亦离任。从这个轨迹不难看出金蝶的努力,为何又有此宿命?外企人空降民企,开始两情相悦,大多黯然收场。个中原因错综复杂,一般空降方和企业方各打五十大板。
Recently, Ren Guoyi, president of Kingdee Group and one-year CEO of Kingdee Software (China) Co., Ltd., left for “family and personal reasons.” Take a look at those people who leave Kingdee, He Jinghua, CEO of Kingdee 2007, two years away. Going forward again, in 1999, Huang Xiaojian jumped from sA P to Kingdee as vice president and left office in less than two years. It is not difficult to see from this trajectory Kingdee’s efforts, why there is this destiny? Foreign investors airborne private enterprises, the two countries began to enjoy, mostly sadly ended. One of the reasons for the complex, the general airborne party and business side play fifty plates.