江苏省如皋市江安镇。这实在是一个很不起眼的小镇,翻开地图,你压根儿就不会注意到她; 这实在是一个很贫瘠的小镇,大自然跟江安人开了个很不轻松的玩笑,——高沙土将贫穷两个冰冷的字深深地烙上了江安历史。这又是一个英雄的小镇。工农红军第十四军的篝火就在这里熊熊点燃,张爱萍将军、何坤军长等一代英杰在这里留下了不朽的脚印; 这又是一个不甘寂寞的小镇。搬掉“三座大山”的江安儿女,又与高沙土展开了顽强的拼搏。如今,这个革命老区的新一代拓荒者怀着满腔的热忱,迈着坚实的步伐,又奔上了加快发展、富
Jiang An Town, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province. This is really a very humble town, open the map, you simply will not notice her; This is really a very barren town, nature and Jiang’an people had a very easy joke, - Gao Sha soil will be poor two cold words deeply branded Jiang’an history. This is another heroic town. The bonfire of the fourteenth Army of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army was here to light, and General Zhang Aiping and He Kunjun and other generations of Yingjie left an immortal footprints here; this is another unforgettable town. Move out “three mountains ” Jiangan children, but also with the high sand to start a tenacious struggle. Today, a new generation of pioneers in the old revolutionary base areas, with full of enthusiasm and solid steps, have also embarked on the task of accelerating development and enriching