本文考证认为,《医学衷中参西录》中所载的醉仙桃应是现代的茄科植物白曼陀罗Datura metel L.;所用的木通应是马兜铃科植物木通马兜铃Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom.的藤茎,即关木通;硝石是指成分为硝酸钾的硝石;矾石应是绿矾,其成分为含结晶水的硫酸亚铁;丈菊花是指菊科植物向日葵Helianthus annuus L.头状花序外周金黄色不结果实的舌状雌花;但张锡纯先生认为古代人参应是现代桔梗科党参的观点是值得商榷的。
This textual research thinks, drunk celestial be contained in the book of meditation Zhong Zhong ginseng is modern Datura metel L .; Datong metel L .; used should be Aristolochia plants Cloisonnch Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom. The cane, the wood that pass; saltpeter refers to the composition of nitrate nitrate saltpeter; alum should be green alum, its composition is water with ferrous sulfate; Zhang Chrysanthemum refers to the Compositae sunflower Helianthus annuus L .Percent of the golden yellow flowers on the periphery of the tongue is not fruity flowers; but Mr. Zhang Xichun that the ancient people should be the modern Campanulaceae Codonopsis point of view is questionable.