Due to the effects of winter droughts and extreme low temperatures, young fruit trees are prone to frost damage in winter. In addition, due to the global warming, warm temperatures rise back in warm winter and spring, frostbite caused by night frost occurs frequently, causing serious dead trees. In this paper, young fruit tree frost damage causes, put forward a comprehensive prevention and control measures. 1. Sapling frost causes 1.1 Saplings own reasons Saplings grow vigorous, shoot long late, the organization is not full, lack of storage of nutrients, shallow roots, most in the frozen soil layer, the evaporation and absorption imbalance, resulting in Excessive tree water loss. Late frost strikes when the intercellular fluid freezing, extracellular fluid extravasation, vacuolar shrinkage time is too long, leading to cell self-death, manifested as freezing damage to the trunk or shoots. flower